Our Prices and Services
We are committed to providing exceptional service and are confident that you will be happy with the value and quality of our work.
Bob Oxford left the world of journalism some eleven years ago to become a dog groomer and the business has gone from strength to strength. He's assisted today by Tammie Robertson who has rapidly made a name for herself as a great groomer. Our unique selling point is convenience.There's no taking your dog to a parlour, leaving it all day and worrying that it is being left locked away in a cage. These days we barely need to advertise with most of our customers coming via recommendation from others.
We have tried hard to hold our prices from day one so we are certainly offering great value for money. For more details or to book an appointment call us on 01778 343012 or 07979 211464.
This may be obvious but to operate we use the customer's electricity so we need to park within 35 yards of your power point.